Best Practice in Infrastructure Asset Management | PEI Books | Private Equity International
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Best Practice in Infrastructure Asset Management

US$ 359.00

Key Information

  • ISBN: 978-1-904-696-82-7
  • Publication Date: December 2010
  • Number of Pages: 250

Edited by Jeffrey Altman of Finadvice AG, Best Practice in Infrastructure Asset Management covers the fundamentals of infrastructure asset management, providing an essential overview of effectively managing an asset to create ongoing value for all stakeholders.

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Creating and maintaining value for all stakeholders

Understanding what constitutes best practice in managing infrastructure assets is at the forefront of today’s infrastructure investments around the world. The success or failure of an investment in infrastructure often relies on an investor’s ability to manage the dynamics between owners, operators and regulators.

It is now widely acknowledged that one of the value propositions to the infrastructure asset class includes creating value through operational performance and stakeholder management rather than just relying on highly geared financial structures.

Best Practice in Infrastructure Asset Management offers multiple perspectives and practical advice in a series of insightful chapters presented by leading experts in asset management and change management; and at limited partnerships, multi-managers, insurance, banking & finance, legal and ESG institutions.

Value-creation case studies

This unique publication presents a series of in-depth case studies that reveal how owners have adopted best practice asset management in a broad range of industries from airports to renewables to utilities. They reveal how they have created financial and non-financial value by adopting the best practices that are shaping the infrastructure asset class in the 21st century.

Mercator International on Port of Salalah:

‘When it comes to productivity, transshipment hubs must be top of the class. Port of Salalah indeed meets this criteria, regularly producing more than 200 container vessel moves per hour where ports in Europe and the US are struggling to reach even 100.’


This title covers the fundamentals of infrastructure asset management including:

  • How asset managers deliver operational efficiencies and create value
  • Communicating effectively and efficiently with all stakeholders
  • Change management brings efficiencies
  • Limited partners’ as well as fund of funds managers’ requirements for asset management
  • The importance of pension plans and insurance
  • Identifying and managing risks with constant vigilance and legal issues
  • Best practice requirements and principles shaping ESG and investing

Who is this publication for?

Best Practice in Infrastructure Asset Management is essential reading if you invest in the infrastructure asset class. Bankers, financiers, lawyers, insurers, investor advisers, environmental managers, industry sponsors, governments and regulators should read this guide to understand how they can fully participate in the future of infrastructure.

- Jeffrey Altman, Finadvice AG

- Martin Bennett, Marsh

- Richard Clarke-Jervoise, Quartilium

- Colin Haines, Lane Clark & Peacock, LLP

- James Cooper, Infracapital Partners LP

- Olaf Czernomoriez, GASAG AG and Peter Janke, formerly of GASAG AG

- Jens Genkel and Peter Haykowski, Meridiam

- Kaïs Ben Hamida, Valiance Capital

- Chris Heathcote, WestLB

- Kathy Jeramaz-Larsen, ILPA

- Peter Jumpertz, THERON Management Advisors

- Jesper Kjaedegaard, Mercator Internationa

- Eric Lyons, HSBC

- Amanda McCluskey, Colonial First State Global Asset Management

- Michael McGhee, Global Infrastructure Partners

- Hilton Mervis and Michelle Thomsen, SJ Berwin, LLP

- Tom Murray of Environmental Defense Fund

- Simon Nichols, KPMG LLP

- Bill Pentak and William Nordlund, Panda Power Funds

- John Ritter, Teacher Retirement System of Texas

- Thomas Rottner, Platina Partners

- Dr. Rudolf Schulten

- Peter Rossbach, Impax New Energy Investors LP

- Christoph Schumacher and Tobias Pfeffer, Generali Deutschland Immobilien GmbH

- Joyce Shapiro, Franklin Templeton Real Estate Advisors

- Leonard Shaykin, LambdaStar Infrastructure Partners, LLC

- Kanad S. Virk and Gregory Karpinski, SCI Asia

Editor’s introduction by Jeffrey Altmann

Part I – The fundamentals of infrastructure asset management

Chapter 1 – The role of the asset manager

Chapter 2 – The dynamics between owners, operators and regulators

Chapter 3 – Change leads to value creation

Chapter 4 – Limited partners’ experiences and expectations of asset management

Chapter 5 – The role of the fund of funds manager

Chapter 6 – Insurance

Chapter 7 – Pre-transaction due diligence

Chapter 8 – Managing & mitigating transactionlinked risks

Chapter 9 – Infrastructure investing: managing the pensions dynamic

Chapter 10 – Regulatory & political risks

Chapter 11 – Financial risks

Chapter 12 – Legal responsibilities & considerations

Chapter 13 – Best practice requirements

Part II – Asset management case studies across infrastructure industry sectors

Case study 1 - Municipal gas distribution

Case study 2 - Power

Case study 3 - Energy – electricity

Case study 4 - Renewable energy – solar

Case study 5 - Renewable energy – wind

Case study 6 - Roads

Case study 7 - Ports

Case study 8 - Ferry company

Case study 9 - Airports

Case study 10 - Telecoms

Appendix on PEI Media articles and journalistic coverage

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