Managing Private Fund Disputes | PEI Books | Private Equity International
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Managing Private Fund Disputes

US$ 449.00

Key Information

  • ISBN: 978-1-908-783-95-0
  • Publication Date: October 2015
  • Number of Pages: 328

Edited by Hilton Mervis, a leading commercial litigator at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, PEI’s Managing Private Fund Disputes provides invaluable advice for recognising, avoiding and ultimately winning disputes throughout the lifecycle of a fund.

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Essential strategies for preventing and resolving litigation and regulatory risks.

A ground-breaking title from Private Equity International, Managing Private Fund Disputes provides invaluable advice for recognising, avoiding and ultimately winning disputes throughout the lifecycle of a fund.

Edited by Hilton Mervis, a leading commercial litigator at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, this book identifies the key regulatory risks that impact private funds and offers practical guidance for reducing such risks.

Making reference to the landmark cases, the book is essential reading for private fund managers, investors and legal counsel. Download a free extract
Private Fund Dispute Resolution testimonials

Managing Private Fund Disputes will help you:

  • Understand how litigation and the risk of litigation impacts the activities of private funds
  • Optimise your chance of success in a dispute process.
  • Assess the pros and cons of arbitration
  • Get familiar with typical sources of disputes
  • Develop awareness of how law courts interpret contentious LPA clauses
  • Manage post-deal completion disputes.…and much more.

This book is recommended reading for:

  • Private fund owners
  • Fundraisers
  • Deal teams
  • Legal, risk and compliance experts
  • Limited Partners
  • Private equity portfolio company executives

- Toby Duthie and Jimmy Ko, Forensic Risk Alliance

- Ellissa Habbart, The Delaware Counsel Group

- Elizabeth Bennett, The Delaware Counsel Group

- William Hare, Forbes Hare

- Alistair Abbott, Forbes Hare

- Mark Taylor, Bedell Cristin Jersey Partnership

- Matthew Crawford and Luke Stockdale, Maples and Calder

- David Eliakim, King & Wood Mallesons

- Justin McDonell, King & Wood Mallesons

- Natalie Caton, King & Wood Mallesons

- David Tiang, King & Wood Mallesons

- Shaistah Akhtar, King & Wood Mallesons

- Tom Usher, King & Wood Mallesons

- Adele Behles, King & Wood Mallesons

- Richard Yun, King & Wood Mallesons

-Jane Wang, King & Wood Mallesons

- Matthew Reinhard, Miller & Chevalier Chartered

- Michael Lyons, Clifford Chance

- Maxine Mossman, Clifford Chance

- Jeremy Kosky, Clifford Chance

- L.Donald Prutzman, Tannenbaum, Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt

- Michael G. Tannenbaum, Tannenbaum, Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt

- Andre R. Jaglom, Tannenbaum, Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt

- Harry S. Davis, Schulte Roth & Zabel

- Brian Burns, Schulte Roth & Zabel

- Roderick I’Anson Banks, Partnership Counsel

- Andrew Thompson QC, Erskine Chambers

- Richard Garcia, Stephenson Harwood

- Steven Gee QC, Stone Chambers

- Neil Henderson, 4 Pump Chambers

- Harris Bor and Lawrence Cohen QC

- Timothy J. Lindsay, Dechert

Section 1: Understanding private fund disputes

1. Optimising the dispute process: 13 practical tips for winning the case
Hilton Mervis, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP

2. Activist, protective and defensive litigation
Richard Garcia, Stephenson Harwood LLP

3. Jurisdiction, choice of law, arbitration and dispute resolution clauses
Harris Bor and Lawrence Cohen, Wilberforce Chambers

4. International arbitration of private equity disputes
Timothy J. Lindsay, Dechert LLP

5. Navigating the regulatory landscape and avoiding common missteps
Harry S. Davis and Brian Burns, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP

6. A high-level overview of private equity dispute in China
Richard Yun and Jane Wang, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

Section 2: Common dispute scenarios

7. Disputes arising from the ownership of the private equity house
Andrew Thompson QC, Erskine Chambers

8. Forfeiting limited liability: The hidden risks for private equity investors
Roderick I’Anson Banks, Partnership Counsel

9. Searching for the true meaning: How courts approach the interpretation of clauses in the LPA
Hilton Mervis, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP

10. Defaulting investors, penalty clauses and relief from forfeiture
Steven Gee QC, Stone Chambers

11. The law on privilege and its impact on fund managers
Neil Henderson, 4 Pump Court

12. Claims in relation to the PPM
Jeremy Kosky, Maxine Mossman and Michael Lyons, Clifford Chance LLP

13. Private equity deals: Managing post-completion disputes
Alex Leitch, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

Section 3: Common jurisdictions for dispute resolution

14. Disputes involving the United States (Delaware)
Ellissa Opstbaum Habbart and Elizabeth M. Bennett, The Delaware Counsel Group LLP

15. Disputes involving the Cayman Islands
Matthew Crawford and Luke Stockdale, Maples and Calder

16. Disputes involving the The British Virgin Islands (BVI)
William Hare and Alistair Abbott, Forbes Hare

17: Disputes involving Jersey
Mark Taylor, Bedell Cristin Jersey Partnership

Section 4: Common litigation and regulatory risks

18. Reducing portfolio-company risk in the new regulatory environment
Blaise Duault, PAI Partners, and Hilton Mervis, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP

19. Corporate bribery and corruption: Understanding and mitigating the risks
Toby Duthie and Jimmy Ko, Forensic Risk Alliance

20. Country focus: Australia - Corporate bribery and corruption law in Australia
David Eliakim, Justin McDonnell and Natalie Caton, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

21. Country focus: China - Mitigating bribery and corruption risk in China
David Tiang, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

22. Country focus: UK - Impact of the UK Bribery Act on private equity firms
Shaistah Akhtar, King & Wood Mallesons SJ Berwin

23. Country focus: United States - The intercontinental reach of US anti-corruption efforts
Matthew Reinhard, Miller & Chevalier Chartered

24. Reducing the risk of violating competition law
L. Donald Prutzman, Michael G. Tannenbaum and Anre R. Jaglom, Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP and Tom Ussher and Adele Behles, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

25. A cautionary tale for non-US private equity firms: Exposure to the extraterritorial reach of US sanctions
Adam Kaufmann and Hillary Rosenberg, Lewis Baach pllc Kaufmann Middelmiss

26. Managing reputational risk in private equity
James Read and Martin Ivanov

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