Managing Risk in Infrastructure Investments | PEI Books | Private Equity International
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Managing Risk in Infrastructure Investments

US$ 359.00

Key Information

  • ISBN: 978-1-911316-00-8
  • Publication Date: June 2015
  • Number of Pages: 281

Developed and edited by industry veteran Jeffrey Altman of Finadvice AG, this guide examines regulatory, political, social, and technological risks over the last two decades and their likely impact in the short and medium-term.

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Qualifying and quantifying the impact of external risk factors, and strategies for mitigating them

Developed and edited by industry veteran Jeffrey Altman of Finadvice AG, Infrastructure Investor’s Managing Risk in Infrastructure Investments examines regulatory, political, social, and technological risks and their likely impact in the near and medium term on the infrastructure industry. Download a free extract

The book draws on the perspectives of leading figures in the infrastructure sector, including former regulatory chairpersons in the UK and US, global fund managers, a former UK treasury minister, global law firms, a global rating agency and a global risk manager.

Key benefits of the book:

  • Thought leadership and practical advice for managing regulatory, political, social and technological risks facing the sector.
  • A comprehensive overview and analysis of key regulations impacting the sector by region, including the US, UK, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
  • Case studies from market participants around the world showcasing how investors have addressed adverse and often capricious regulatory interventions, which destroyed value, and how other investors have utilised regulation to generate superior returns….plus much more

Who should read this book?

  • Investors engaged or beginning to engage with the subject of infrastructure investment, including indirect infrastructure funds, fund of funds, pensions funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds and family offices
  • Renewable and cleantech companies
  • Infrastructure operators
  • Governmental and regulatory bodies
  • Law firms
  • Banks and other financial institutions
  • Insurers
  • Fund placement companies
  • Infrastructure service providers
  • Academics

Editor: Jeffrey Altman, Finadvice AG

- Ian Pearson, Former UK Minister, HM Treasury

- Richard G. Little, AICP

- Regina Finn, Lucerna Partners

- Thomas Putter, Ancora Finance Group

- Mark Hoff, ERM

- Jaideep Das, ERM

- Sarah Murfitt, ERM

- Alec Martin, ERM

- John Watt, Morgan Stanley Infrastructure

- Hermina M. Morita, Former Chair of the Hawai’i
Public Utilities Commission

- Michael Wilkins, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services

- Julian M. Macey-Dare, Marsh Ltd
Stephen Kay, Marsh LLC

- James Snape, Nabarro LLP

- Tamasin Little, King & Wood Mallesons

- Silke Goldberg, Herbert Smith Freehills

- David Narefsky, Mayer Brown LLP

- John Schmidt, Mayer Brown LLP

- Joe Seliga, Mayer Brown LLP

- James Wardlaw, Campbell Lutyens

- Susan Hilliard, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

- John Sullivan, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

- Cindy Valentine, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

- Patrick Deasy, King & Wood Mallesons LLP

- Glenn Faass, Norton Rose Fulbright

- Pablo Jaramillo, Norton Rose Fulbright

- Tom Murley, HgCapital

- Gintare Sertvytyte, Platina Partners

- Pierluigi Sagarriga Visconti, Platina Partners

- Max Lensvelt, Platina Partners

- John Veech, Morgan Stanley Infrastructure

- Wissam Anastas, Deutsche Alternative Asset Management Global

- Clarisa De Franco, CDC Group plc

- Eddie Buckley, CDC Group plc

- Boe Pahari, AMP Capital

- Hywel Rees, AMP Capital

- Peter Jumpertz, Theron Advisory Group

- Stephen Wright, eSPe Investment Partners LLP

- Ross Israel, QIC

- Leisel Moorhead, QIC

- Trent Carmichael, QIC

Section I: Practical strategies for assessing and managing risks

Part 1: Political risk

1. Mitigating political risk in infrastructure investing: A politician’s perspective

2. A methodological approach to political risk

Part 2: Regulatory risk

3. A new age of regulatory austerity?

4. Proactive asset management during times of regulatory uncertainty

Part 3: Social and environmental risk

5. Social dynamite: The impact of consumer empowerment on the infrastructure sector

6. Effective management of ESG risks in major infrastructure projects

7. Infrastructure management and sustainability: The benefits of keeping the horse before the cart

Part 4: Technological risk

8. Technological innovation: Opportunities and threats to infrastructure

9. Designing regulation around technological innovation: Experiences from Hawai’i

Part 5: Assessing the implications of risk

10. Assessing the credit implications of regulatory and political risk in infrastructure

11. Infrastructure asset management: Assessing regulatory and political risk

Section II: Law and regulation: Regional overviews and analysis

12. A legal perspective of regulatory and political risk in infrastructure

13. AIFMD and infrastructure asset management

14. An introduction to energy and infrastructure regulation in the European Union

15. An overview of the US regulatory structure for infrastructure

16. UK-regulated infrastructure: Current landscape and challenges

17. Opportunities and challenges for infrastructure investment in Asia

18. The investment opportunity in African infrastructure

19. Infrastructure in Latin America

Section III: Case studies

20. A case study in regulatory risk in the Spanish renewables sector

21. Managing PV assets in Italy

22. Southern Star: Creating value at a US-regulated asset

23. Opportunities and challenges in the Middle East energy sector

24. Infrastructure investment in Africa: Navigating the regulatory and political challenges

25. Newcastle International Airport: A case study in active management in a UK public private partnership

26. Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate: How not to build an airport

27. Inexus: Managing an infrastructure business in a dynamic UK regulatory environment

28. The commercialisation of Queensland Motorways in Australia

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